Wednesday, December 21, 2011


    Thanks amazing parents for all that you did to make this a special week in our classroom.  We all greatly appreciate the time you took to gather and purchase materials and send them in so that we could enjoy creating holiday crafts.  Thanks too, for the fun treats for our holiday celebration today.  We had a wonderful time and want to thank you for making it possible! 

    I wish for all of you a delightful time with family over the break.  Enjoy the chance to slow down and be together.  I hope everyone will find time to play board games, read, exercise,and be refreshed. 

I look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Mrs. M.

PS. Last week I mentioned that I wouldn't be surprised if someone from our class ends up climbing Mt. Everest....after today's water cycle presentations, I am thinking we may also have some class members who will end up on the stage! They have great presence and poise!